B&H Airlines to sell assets


The bankruptcy administrator of Bosnia and Herzegovina's former flag carrier B&H Airlines has launched tender procedures for the sale of the company’s remaining assets. They include a piper aircraft, airport trolleys, aircraft steps, computers, television sets and furniture. Those interested have until November 12 to place their bids. B&H Airlines operated its last flight in 2015 after its Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC) was revoked by authorities due to amassed debts.


  1. Anonymous13:49

    All in good time.

  2. Anonymous14:14

    no Uniforms? (as with JP)

  3. Anonymous15:23

    I will take their dzezva ...

  4. Anonymous11:15

    Where can I find the tender details?

  5. Anonymous11:50

    Computers and TVs? For a museum???


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