Government delays CEO decision until next week

Yesterday, the Serbian Government did not dismiss Jat Airways’ CEO, Srdjan Radovanović, and name a caretaker, as was promised in the past few days. The government has left the issue of Radovanović’s sacking until next Thursday. The delay might be due to the fact that the government is unsure of who to name as the airline’s next CEO, after 2 disastrous management teams in the past 3 years. Furthermore, Jat’s deputy CEO, Vladimir Ognjenović, rumoured to become the new CEO was part of the previous management team which also led the airline into debt. It could also be a sign that the government has no strategy for Jat and that it is not overly concerned with the company.
However, the government has announced that it will launch an investigation into the financial dealings of the current management. The investigation will focus on questionable tenders the managing team had launched in the past year. For example, the management recently paid 100.000 Euros for a course in “good manners” which the airline’s staff had to sit through for 2 days.
Meanwhile, the entire company has moved from its headquarters in New Belgrade to 3 dilapidated buildings near Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport which are virtually uninhabitable and do not provide basic working conditions.
How is Jat structured as a government business? I assume it's not set up as a Government Business Enterprise (GBE) because the way they're dealing with things seems very hands on? Aren't government businesses atleast in the real world at arms length from the actual government and its decisions?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have a picture of the new headquarter? I'm interested to see how run-down they are.
ReplyDeleteThis man and his 'minions' is quite no more bearable. I don't understand, why the government still hesitates to fire this arrogant and cowardly 'gentleman' immediately.
ReplyDeletethe worst of all is what is happening inside the company. About the only concern Jat managers have is holding their positions. Jat functions right now by inertion from the past times. One could compare the situation with a brigade of experienced soldiers, who know what to do and how to do it. And they're doing it. Doing it good. The only thing missing in the present picture are goals and visions for the future...
ReplyDeleteBRGDS, Jatin Sider
the worst of all is what is happening inside the company. About the only concern Jat managers have is holding their positions. Jat functions right now by inertion from the past times. One could compare the situation with a brigade of experienced soldiers, who know what to do and how to do it. And they're doing it. Doing it good. The only thing missing in the present picture are goals and visions for the future...
ReplyDeleteBRGDS, Jatin Sider
ReplyDeleteThey are getting what they deserved... What goes around, comes around.
ReplyDeleteThis is going to drag on as long as the story of them getting those 2 737-700s... the sooner they get rid of him and put someone competent in the better (and *NO* political appointments this time either).
ReplyDeleteAny chance we could see some photos of this 'dilapidated run down facility'?
Jesus Christ some people are so annoying with the source. Go and find it yourselves.
ReplyDeleteAs for this, it's just another cicle of usual Jat related news. However besides seeing the picture of this charming place, is there a possibility for someone to explain me where this building is. Is it towards the cargo area?
To je tzv. crvena zgrada na aerodromu, ulaz je onaj kojim se ide i za hangare...nije koriscena od 70-tih godina, mislim da nema kapacitet za vise od par stotina radnika (koliko i treba da bude)
ReplyDeleteJAT odavno ima svoje kancelarije u "crvenoj" zgradi, kao i Su-port. Zgrada se nalazi odmah pored skolskog centra i malog hangara. Verovatno ce deo kadra da zavrsi tamo, a manji deo u zgradi letacke operative, koja se nalazi odmah pored kontrolnog tornja.
ReplyDelete"Jesus Christ some people are so annoying with the source. Go and find it yourselves."
ReplyDeleteAnother Balkans person with no clue about how the world works. big surprise.
Let me explain it. If the author if the blog doesn't cite his source, than he is, in effect, claiming that he wrote it himself. By not citing a source he is committing theft.