Kraljevo Airport readies for commercial flights

Kraljevo’s Morava Airport will see its first commercial service to Vienna next month, with a tender to select an operating carrier for the subsidised three weekly flights to close next Thursday. Operations will be bolstered with the introduction of seasonal services to Thessaloniki from March 2020. “We certainly expect for Wizz Air to apply for the tender and maybe Air Serbia. Actually, I believe Air Serbia is the most interested party considering Kraljevo’s close proximity to Belgrade, so it is easier for them to base an aircraft there. In spite of this, I don’t know whether they have obtained the tender documentation”, the Serbian Deputy Minister for Transport in charge of aviation, Zoran Ilić, said. However, despite Mr Ilić’s hopes, Wizz Air does not fulfil the tender requirements as it does not operate aircraft with up to eighty seats or less.

Despite the ongoing tender for routes of public interest, operator Airports of Serbia is also in talks with a carrier over the introduction of services to Germany and Turkey. Flights to Frankfurt, Munich and Istanbul are believed to be the subject of negotiations. The General Manager of Airports of Serbia, Mihajlo Zdravković, said, "We have already held talks with several airlines, and I must say there is interest”. The government reserves the right to add new routes of public interest without initiating a new tender, however, the value of the contract for additional services must not exceed 5% of the total value of the initial agreement, which totals 5.7 million euros for the entire three-year period (297.800 euros in 2019 and 2.7 million euros in both 2020 and 2021).

In the run-up to the new services, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) has officially assigned Morava Airport its three-letter location identifier - KVO. Furthermore, the Serbian government has allocated 1.3 million euros in the 2020 state budget to undertake necessary preparatory work at Morava Airport for the construction of a second runway, which will be large enough to handle jet-engine aircraft without any limitations. Located in Central Serbia, Kraljevo’s Morava Airport was officially opened in late June. According to the Mayor of Kraljevo, Morava Airport will considerably contribute to accelerating the economic development of Kraljevo and many other nearby towns and municipalities.


  1. Anonymous09:02

    I'm assuming these new routes that are being negotiated are also with Air Serbia. It just doesen't make sense for them to fly to Vienna and Thessaloniki without having a base in KVO. Also I noticed they haven't altered their VIE schedule from Belgrade so they will probably have a plane at Morava.

    1. Anonymous09:51

      That would mark Air Serbia's return to Istanbul.

    2. Anonymous10:15

      Who would have though it would be from Kraljevo.

    3. Anonymous10:16

      "I noticed they haven't altered their VIE schedule from Belgrade" where did you find this information?

    4. Anonymous10:18

      Umm on their website. The timings show the plane returns to Belgrade straight away.

    5. Anonymous10:40

      ^^ Yes, but maybe this is too soon for that conclusion. Because the tender is not finished yet, so they have still time to change timetable, and maybe they will introduce one more flight to VIE and then that flight will go to KVO.

    6. Anonymous10:44

      Yes, you are right that is possible. We will find out next week.

    7. Anonymous11:06

      It would make no sense for Air Serbia to route the VIE flight BEG - VIE - KVO - VIE - BEG. Doing so, they would miss the connecting wave for the VIE - BEG flight. If done in the morning, it would also compete time wise with the mid-day OS service.

    8. Anonymous11:24

      ^^Yes, that why I think that they will introduce one more flight to VIE. As I recall, there will be 3 weekly flights VIE from KVO, I am not sure know. In my opinion bigger problem is to find free ATR, so they will probably use 737 or 319 to some regular BEG service, an take ATR from that route for the segment BEG - VIE - KVO - VIE - BEG

  2. Anonymous09:03

    LOL is the deputy minister just playing dumb or is he just ignorant?

    1. Anonymous09:06

      He is just playing dumb. Average folk have no idea that the runway has limitations and can safely handle only small regional planes. So when he says how Wizz Air should apply and then Air Serbia wins the tender he will just say "well they should have applied it's their own fault".

    2. Anonymous09:24

      And where is the problem with 2300m long runway? Look for example Saarbrücken its 2000m and they operate with dash, a320, CRJ? It’s long enough....

    3. Anonymous09:26

      ^There is some problem with the runway and why it can't handle larger planes even though the length is there. Someone explained it here a while ago. Also I think taxiways are not sufficient to handle larger planes.

    4. Anonymous09:38

      It's the runway strength that's the problem, not length.

      737/A320 can safely operate even from/to 1600m runways.

    5. Anonymous09:40

      This is true but they only did this sort of testing after they patched up the runway. The runway was built for light military planes so no surprise.

    6. Anonymous09:55

      Wizz can take out sufficient seats and remain 79, airplane will be lighter and can operate from KVO.

  3. Anonymous09:03

    Airport looks cute and it's great to know that there will be flights :)

    1. Anonymous09:16

      This terminal is a million times better than the one in Nis which needs an urgent overhaul.

    2. Anonymous09:20

      Makes sense since Nis's terminal was built in the 80s and this one is new.

    3. Anonymous10:13

      This airport will develop much faster than Nis.

  4. Anonymous09:03

    So they finally got their IATA code :) Good luck.

  5. Anonymous09:07

    They should have built a new runway straight away instead of pouring money into fixing the existing one.

    1. Anonymous09:20

      Would make much more sense.

    2. Anonymous10:29

      The issue is they didn't test the runway endurance until just days before they opened the airport.

  6. Anonymous09:07

    I must say it's a bit ludicrous that flights will start in early December. It means that whoever wins (JU) will have to start the flights within 2 weeks.

    1. Anonymous09:10

      They couldn't care less. The article says the winning airline will get 297.800 euros in 2019. That means almost 300.000 euros for a total of 4 flights this year.

    2. Anonymous09:14

      What a great deal for them.

    3. Anonymous10:30

      That's just crazy

    4. Anonymous21:56

      12 return flights, not 4

  7. Anonymous09:11

    Congratulations Kraljevo! Great to see another airport developing and getting flights.

  8. Anonymous09:16

    Looks great.

  9. Anonymous09:21

    Very nice airport! I wish them best of luck and hope some other airlines consider flights soon.

    1. Anonymous10:14

      No chance any airline is coming until this issue with runway is done.

  10. Anonymous09:23

    Budget Rent-A-Car opened their offices in KVO?

    I hope its true, I wouldn't be surprised if they just used the old board from BEG :) :)

    1. Anonymous09:27

      I don't know about Budget but I know that Kraljevo signed a contract with Dufry for duty free shop.

  11. Anonymous09:29

    The outcome of the tender is so unpredictable :D

    1. Anonymous09:33

      Obviously both routes will be operated by Air Serbia.

    2. Anonymous10:30

      Let's hope so.

  12. Anonymous09:33

    Great news. Now people from central and southern Serbia will have flights.

    1. Anonymous09:49

      Happy for Kraljevo and central Serbia region. Good news.

  13. Anonymous09:41

    I'm glad that at least this airport won't end up like MBX.

    1. Anonymous09:46

      Well it did sit empty for 5 years.

  14. Anonymous09:41

    Who would have thought we would actually have flights from Morava this year.

  15. Anonymous09:47

    Good Luck KVO

  16. Anonymous09:51

    Uzice is next.

  17. Anonymous10:04

    "We certainly expect for Wizz Air to apply for the tender and maybe Air Serbia."

    I don't thing Mr. Ilić does not know that Wizz Air doesn't have a call center with at lest 15 workers which have Serbian security clearance. Of course he knows that, and of course he knows Wizz Air can not participate in tender.

    1. Anonymous10:32


    2. Anonymous12:02

      Purger, you are so many years here but still you make always the same mistake

      thing = stvar
      think = misliti

    3. Anonymous13:50

      Not only that, Kraljevo won't even have the runway that allows type of aircraft LCC's use until next year.

  18. Anonymous10:13

    This airport could be good for cargo too.

    1. Anonymous10:31

      Only after they build second runway.

  19. Anonymous10:14

    Great news

  20. Anonymous10:14

    Gasto flight to Vienna will work well from here.

    1. Anonymous10:15

      Germany - Frankfurt and Munich too.

    2. Anonymous10:31

      Mayor also mentioned Nuremberg as a possibility.

    3. Anonymous10:47

      Well, flying to two cities in Bavaria doesn't make sense.

    4. Anonymous13:54

      Hannover would do well as well, judging by the number of buses that leave Pazar each day.

  21. Dobro. Samo treba još stranim aviokompanijama objasniti di se Kraljevo nalazi i uspjeh ne može izustati

    1. Anonymous11:24

      Umeju da gledaju mapu.

    2. Anonymous13:56

      Зашто би? Краљево није нека забит или селендра већ поприлично велики град. Ако су нашли Осијек или Ријеку што не би Краљево? Нема потребе за ниподаштавањем.

    3. Anonymous19:56

      ne zaboravite, nije samo Kraljevo. imate Čačak (100k) i Kragujevac (200k) na manje od sat vremena, plus Novi Pazar, Požega, Užice, Kopaonik...

    4. Anonymous22:03

      Уз све то ту је и Косовска Митровица као и остатак Косова и Метохије. За многе би Краљево било ближе од Приштине или било ког другог аеродрома који има летове за Беч. Погледајмо само колико људи са југа Србије путује из Ниша јер су џабе карте, исто би било и са KVO.

    5. Anonymous22:06

      Мала исправка, Чачак је удаљен 37 км од Краљева, не 100 км. Уз све то, недавно је отворен аутопут из Београда до Чачка тако да је аеродром у Краљеву приступачнији свима који живе дуж тог друма. На крају крајева, мислим да је за Ваљевце свеједно да ли лете из Београда или Краљева, удаљеност је мање више иста.

    6. Anonymous11:06

      jeste 37 km, ali tu je tolika gužva da je sat vremena nekada normalno vreme putovanja

  22. Anonymous12:49

    Didn't they say that a B737 could land in Morava? I couldn't imagine travelling from Frankfurt in an ATR.

    1. Anonymous13:45

      Runway is neither wide enough nor strong enough for A320/B737 family. New Runway is supposed to be built next year which will accommodate this aircraft but until then, basically only turbo props and e-jets can fly here.

      I don't understand why the runway wasn't done correctly right away, and why are some people wondering why Wizz isn't going to apply for the tender when they don't(And no LCC does for that matter as smaller aircraft aren't profitable in LCC model) have aircraft that can fly here.

    2. Anonymous15:51

      30m runway width is enough for B737/A320.

    3. Anonymous19:59

      width and length are ok (737/320 have 30 m minimum width). problem is with load, which is insufficient for anything larger than 80-seater.

  23. Anonymous13:47

    With Belgrade booming and with constant record breaking there is some room to shift passengers towards other airports in the country.

  24. Anonymous14:56

    Now is the chance for JU to order the A321XLR, similar to many airlines and consider opening bases in the country. 2 XLR in BEG and 1 in KVO.
    KVO can become an all-leisure airport and not 85% transfer like BEG.
    Long-haul LCC is the future¡

    1. Anonymous16:43

      JU can't even replace 30+ year old 737s old 25+ year old ATRs while still getting government subsidies and here you are dreaming about ordering brand new aircraft :)

    2. Anonymous17:38

      Well JU did replace one 733, they are slowly getting there.

    3. Anonymous23:19

      The 737 can be replaced with A321XLR - all economy and charter airline.
      Kraljevo can serve substitute Belgrade when it comes to charter, where Belgrade is clearly suffering in winter.
      This is definitely an opportunity for the regionality of the 3 airprots of Serbija.

  25. Anybody can already see on Wikipedia that the flights from KVO are operated by Air Serbia (Viena starded December 1st and Thessaloniki started March 20th). 😊😊😊

  26. Anonymous19:54

    These are doutes of public interest, at least nominally. If/when Air Serbia wins the tender, it would be in the interest of the public tonstrike a limited code share with OS fo KVO-VIE route.

  27. Краљевачки аеродром Морава први пут је међународно регистрован од стране IATA. Tек од изградње нове паралелне писте дужине 3000 метара и ширине 45 метара, свебдилеме и проблеми са овим аеродромом. Под овим се подразумева изградња Карго-консигнационог центра. По мојем виђењу овог развоја који је у почетку, контракт на изградњи нове писте бих поверио Америчком Бехтел-у. Писта би била готова за 24 месеца од дана уласка машина и инжињеринга на градилиште. Градњу Карго Центара би поверио Београдском Енергопројекту. Ефикасност, ефективност, одговорност и дужина градње ових објеката би оправдали новац уложен.
    Када би тај посао радиле домаће фирме као извођачи, колико би то трајало?... Колико би се пута чуле чувене "срце-парајуће речи, нажалост, субјективни, објективни разлози"...
    Желим да верујем да ће инвеститор, држава овај пројекат
    ефикасно и успешно завршити са коомпанијама које имају са чиме да гарантују квалитет, цену и време. Будућим развојем
    Чачанско, Крагујевачко, Краљевачког привредног кластера
    централне Србије, Морава ће дефинитивно опстати као карго центар Србије. Одмах после Београда. Путнички саобраћај кроз LCC, чартер и ад хок ће се развијати повећањем туризма
    Нисам сигуран да ће се моја прича свима свидети. Али је једно сигурно. " Родило се. Ваља га љуљати". Као што говорим од 1989 године у Сиднеју да бити аеродром на Морави. То тврдим и овде у Краљеву. Тек допутовао из Сиднеја, настављам веру у људе и Мораву. И после тридесет година. Добро дошао додељени код КVO! Дефинитивно у породици међународних аеродрома. И до Владе Србије са људима који воле комерцијално ваздухопловство.
    Међу којима је и моја маленкост.
    Rodney Marinkovic. Aviation Enthusiast Association.
    Kraljevo ✈ Sydney. ✈🌐✈✨🔅🔆✈☺💒😇✈🌍🌎🌏✈


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