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Dalmatian ends ticket sales and announces closure |
It is over before it ever really began. Croatian low cost airline, Dalmatian, has announced it is halting operations after one of its investors left the company. “This departure has affected our ability to provide you, the customer, the proper support and services to launch Dalmatian, and unfortunately, we do not expect this issue to be rectified in the short term. We have therefore made this decision now to safeguard our customer’s interests”, the airline says. It adds that those who purchased tickets with the airline will be issued a full refund, “As such, we have notified our bank (PBZ) to issue full refunds to all passengers who have purchased a flight ticket with Dalmatian, to be effective immediately. Our bank has processed the refunds today and customers can expect their refunds to be deposited on their credit card account with which they made their original purchase”. It ends by saying, “We, at Dalmatian, must sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this has caused you”.
The announcement comes just over ten days after the airline began selling tickets for flights from Zagreb to a total of eleven destinations, mostly unserved from the Croatian capital. According to Zagreb Airport, it was never aware Dalmatian was planning to launch services. On the other hand, airports such as Hamburg and Sofia issued statements welcoming the new low cost carrier. Those that purchased tickets with Dalmatian took to social media yesterday to lash out at the airline after it was unavailable for contact for over 24 hours.
Croatia has been flooded with airlines wishing to set up bases across the country with foreign air operator’s certificates, allowing them to bypass local bureaucracy. On Saturday, Air Croatia will launch flights from Gothenburg to Zagreb, Split and Zadar with a wetleased ČSA Czech Airlines aircraft. It previously sold tickets for flights from Stockholm to Zagreb and Split as well but suspended sales just over a week ago. The Dalmatian “experience” comes as a warning sign to all not to experiment with start-ups in the region and give them time before they are properly established.
It is disappointing how the EXYU administrator treated Dalmatian as "an airline" without finding out who they are and what a/c have. Missleading the public, in what interest ?
ReplyDeletePurely reporting on the establishment of the airline which began selling tickets online and was issued an ICAO code making it more than official. You can also view simmilar reports on the airline issued by Hamburg Airport itself http://www.airport.de/en/109_6779.html
DeleteI don't take responsibility whether an airline will go bust. A site dedicated to aviation reports about all aviation related news.
Anon @ 9.08 - and this is now somehow admin's fault for this project being dead on arrival ?? Dude, what hallucinogenic pills have you been taking ??
DeleteMate...this is A BLOG not a piece in The Economist!!!!
ReplyDeleteWell the destination list on the right has shrunk :D
ReplyDeleteOn Friday 27th June morning flight Turkish will come to Zagreb with A330!
ReplyDeletethats what they did in BEG a few months age. this way they will probably introduce scheduled widebody cargo flights once a week, just like here.
DeleteI wonder with what destination they might link it. Maybe with Belgrade?
Deleteits ans A330-200!
DeleteIs Dalmatian actually returning the money to passengers as stated on the website or its just a hoax?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Delete@Ex-Yu aviation,
Deletecould you please erase the post above, as it insults people from Hercegovina who have absolutely nothing to do with this - man who is behind Dalmatian was born in Australia, and his parents are from Sibenik, I think nothing else should be added
It's public holiday today in Croatia and banks are not working. PBZ will start begin money transfers starting tomorrow. No hoax, no crime. I myself, had similar situation when I bought tickets for one of the first flights of Volotea, before it started operations (identical with dalmatian). The flight was cancelled and I got money refund. Swiss cancelled today's flight Geneve-Belgrade, Air Serbia, Croatia, they all cancel flights and it's no big deal, but when it happens for dalmatian, then it's crime, it's fraud, it's hoax, it's only possible in Croatia, it hasn't been seen before. Have anyone of you ever thought that it's exactly opposite - honest people trying to start honest business, without state aid, form the beginning. But maybie your comments are telling more about you than about dalmatian (Eight I don't mean you, you asked politely, I'm talking others who spit with no single proof idalmatian being a fraud)
DeleteI personally got all the money put into this back. My bank had no problems and was happy to chargeback the transaction.
DeleteYou also published Air Croatia is an airline which is not, just an touroperator.
ReplyDeleteAir Croatia has the backing and finances, Dalmatian never had.. Also air Croatia plans to become a full scheduled airline out of Zagreb Airport, they just need to sort out few minor details over permissions and sign agreements.
DeleteIts an Swedish company with HQ in Sweden, so its tightly regulated and with strict guidelines, in Croatia things are bit more lax reason why Dalmatian was allowed to go on. But as Croatia joined the EU, all its taxpayers are protected under EU law against eventualities such as Dalmatian. There's a law any would be airline that wishes to launch flights out of an EU member must comply with, and this also includes a reserve capital, normally first 20 000 tickets need to be secured, for a larger outfit its a lot more.
So there's little risk of all who bought the tickets with Dalmatian not getting their money back, but ultimately its the Croatian taxpayers who pick up the tab for they're paying for any mess caused by Dalmatian and similar outfits. Something USKOK will need to take a close look at now, and bring charges against the responsible individuals.
Air Croatia on the other hand is a serious operation in planning since 2012, with strong finances and backing from Swedish business and interests.
Croatia is very popular country in Sweden and very popular tourist destination with 250 000 Swedes expected to visit Croatia this year, a friend of mine who is Croatian Swede was in Croatia last year with his m8s from Sweden, 8 of them came to see ljepa nasa and are coming back in 2015, all 8 of them.
Just for illustration. So Croatia is in-vouge in Sweden right now as is in many other places, Japan, Canada, USA, Australia, S Korea, Holland, Norway ...
And yes Air Croatia is a real airline btw, they'll launch full on service from 2015 with Zagreb, Split and Dubrovnik being connected to Sweden at first and Zadar and Pula being added in 2016 perhaps.
Longer term plans are perhaps even to have an aircraft based at Zagreb or two, and operate full on service to other European destinations out of Zagreb, and what's cool about this, Air Croatia can continue to operate and remain Swedish with Swedish state being guarantor.
But they cancel ALL flights today!
Deletewe all knew it , so we are not surprised at all
ReplyDeleteSwiss is cancelling its Geneva flight today... what a shitty airline.
ReplyDeleteJust like Air Serbias flight was cancelled from Abu Dhabi (was cancelled last night leaving for AUH too), and the Banja Luka flights have been cancelled. So ASL also joins the sh#tty airline club.LOL
Deletewondering too
Deletei desperatelz need monez, i have an idea on opening a website claiming im starting up an airline in croatia, pick up fools monez and then vanish, just like dalmatian etc.
DeleteYeah but I thought the haters have already made it clear that JU is a shitty airline so there was no point to mention it on here. ;)
DeleteTalking of shitty airlines, there is a charter flight from Belgrade to Antalya today, operated by the Atr-72. I think the airline is Borajet.
it's tommorow. what kind of lunatic made an agreement with them to fly BEG-AYT?
DeleteASL ce uvek biti veca Aviokompanija od CTN.
DeletePa neznam koja kompanija je sranje:)
BRJ leti za THY AYT-BEG codeshare su napravili.
DeleteINN :)
no, they applied for themselves.
and you can clearly see that they're operating this flight for themselves
INN, ne znam se pise odvojeno, nazad u skolu
DeleteTi si Dušane, malo fašista a? Jel si razumeo dečka? Ja mislim da smo do sada svi skontali da je dečko iz Insbruka, tj da ne živi u Srbiji.....
DeleteOn je školu očigledno učio na nemačkom.
U svakom slučaju i ti si isto nepismen jer se srpski jezik piše sa š, đ, ž, č, ć...
Пошто цепидлачимо, онда си и ти подједнако неписмен. Изоврно српско писмо је ћирлица. Боље је користи место што паметујеш ту по блоговима.
Deletepise se na Nemackom, velikim slovom uvek! I ti nazad u skolu.
DeleteA ti Cirilicaru, izvorno srpsko pismo je bilo latinicno kao sto je i Stefan Nemanja bio katolik sve do trenutka kad ga je njegov sin Rastko, kasnije Sveti Sava pokrstio i uveo u Pravoslavlje....i ti nazad u skolu
DeletePiše se "na nemačkom", i "pravoslavlje", a prvo pismo koje su koristili Sloveni na Balkanu je glagoojica. Ukratko, niko od vas nema pojma.
DeleteProf. srpskog jezika i književnosti
What were they thinking with Larnaca, Sofia, Prague, Warsaw...?! Belgrade has 2 mil people, JU has transit pax, good promotion and was not founded yesterday basicly, still they sometimes have problems with these lines..
ReplyDeleteOT: just heard that Alitalia concluded the deal with Etihad. They will sign the contract in a couple of days. Etihad will invest 560 mil euro.
ReplyDeleteO.T. YU-APG will be deliver today
DeleteSecond Air Serbia A320 arrived at Belgrade. Hope to see it in service soon!
DeleteI just have 3 questions:
Delete1) I see on flightradar that YU-ALO has not been active in the past week. Does anyone know what is wrong?
2) Are YU-API and A6-SAB still making trouble for Air Serbia?
3) Are any more A319/320's due to arrive into the JU fleet?
Hope someone can answer these :)
1. YU-ALO - nothing is wrong. Interior refurbishment+scheduled maintenance checks.
Delete2. I don`t know are there any Airbus that not making problems, a plenty of remarks.
3. I don`t know
I just love those anonymous people who write nonsense.
Delete1. YU-ALO was hit by the catering truck and it should be back into service one of these days.
2. YU-API, ex A6-SAA, is the only one that is being problematic. It constantly displays that there is one same problem which requires the pilots to fix it almost on a daily basis. This glitch will most likely remain until the next C or even a D check.
Dalmatian Succesful Failiure
ReplyDeleteare you the same troll that writes everyday: Germanwings fail, Star Aliance fail and so on and on. We got you, and please stop i . thanks
DeleteWhat a classic fxxx up !! Hahahahaha ... And people here accuse Air Serbia of "Jatovanje" !!! I can't stop laughing .... This says everything about the state of Croatia's civil aviation industry ... Dalmation - the airline that never was ; Croatia Airlines - in terminal decline and an airline which nobody wants to buy - even that giant of aviation, Garuda, walked away ; and now Air Croatia - the latest trick straight out of David Copperfield's handbook of making things disappear. I guess in future, when people talk of 'Jatovanje', what they are really referring to is the state of civil aviation in Croatia ... there has been so much written and reported on this very blog, about Etihad's investment in former Jat Airways as being Jatovanje ... well, I hope those of who you peddled this shit are now eating plenty of humble pie and choking on it ....
ReplyDeleteSta se desilo sa Air Croatia, nisam upoznat?
DeleteDalmatian i Air Croatia nisu slika Hrvatske, vec pojedinaca i interesnih skupina koje rade pizdarije na temelju zakona koje svojim clanicama namece EU. CTN ima prepoznatljiv brand, dobre ocjene putnika i stabilno poslovanje (unatoc vladajucoj garnituri koja je nesposobna). Ako nebeska ASL smatra da ce prebojanim krntijama, musakom i i jeftinim senzacionalizmom nadomjestiti kasnjenja, zastarjelu flotu nepostojeci kontakt s putnicima, nece nikad imati ugled koji ima CTN. I zapamtíte da su velik dio te nebeske flote otplatile devize s jadranske obale. Ako se rugas nekome, kreni od sebe. Protuargumenti te mogu zeznut.
ReplyDeleteCTN jeste trenutno bolji brend, ali do kada ce biti? Koliko mislis da ce trajati ta prednost CTN-a ukoliko ih niko ne kupi? Koliko dugo ce jos moci da pariraju?
DeleteNebeska ASL ce uvek biti veca Aviokompanija od CTN.
DeleteCTN Airbus flota je starija od JU
CTN Regionalna flota je mladja od JU.
CTN ne leti izvan EU. LLBG sezonski
Pitajte DLH koga se vise plasi CTN ili ASL.
ASL ima bolji bolji od CTN.
INN :)
Tel Aviv nije u Uniji, nije ni Švicarska, a CTN tamo leti. Uostalom, leti tamo gdje ima potražnje. I daj odlijepite više s tom ASL i s fintama "tko je jači", totalno ste opsjednuti s tom aviokompanijom. Kad shvatite da je izmuzla svaki dinar iz vas, bit će vam kasno. Nađite neki jeftiniji sport za (samo)dokazivanje. Sva sreća što je Hrvatska u Uniji i što CTN više ne može musti državnu sisu. Došla maca na vratanca, tek će se sad vidjeti hoće li uspjeti opstati bez poreznih obveznika koji su konstantno krpali rupe u poslovanju.
DeleteCTN je bila bolja od Jat Airwaysa ali da neko kaže da je bolja od Air Serbia, to je sasvim glupo.
DeleteAir Serbia je odavno prestiga CTN po svakom kriterijumu.
Sa EU nisam mislio Evropsku Uniju nego Evropu:
DeleteDobro znam gde le LLBG.
Ovo je kulturna rasprava niko nikog nevredja:)
Znaci mi se ovde samozadovoljavamo ASL-om dok si ti liberalni ekonomista, urbani emancipovani EU orijentisani Hrvat?
DeleteSam si poceo da pricas o nasim avionima i musaki... Covece..
"Dalmatian announces closure" is the headline.
ReplyDeleteBut it is not in the text on their webpage.
They say only they stop with the ticket sale, because due to withdrawal of one investor, "this issue cannot be rectified in shorter term"
All passengers will be fully refunded.
So I would like to ask @Ex-yu aviation, why did you put the headline which implies that dalmatian is closing? Where does it stand in text on their webpage?
And all of you here who only know to spit on people who work and try to improve something in aviation in former yu , don't worry, nobody will go to the jail, and you will soon hear again about dalmatian :)
Dude - there's no need for semantics here ... at the end of a normal working day when a shop closes, is it still open for business or not ?? Closed for business means closed for business. As for hearing again about Dalmatian - you're right there ... I hear about it every day ... it's supposed to be a beautiful part of Croatia ... BTW, there's no need for anyone to spit on you or the snake oil salesman behind this hoax - you have both done a massive shit on your yourselves, head first ..
DeleteTo answer your question : Yes, shop is still open for business, because it will be opened again tomorrow. It's exactly what's happening here. Concerning spitting on myself, I'll sign for your words the day dalmatian really announces it's stopping all its plans. Till then, no way...
DeleteAnonymousJune 25, 2014 at 8:18 PM,
DeleteAre you Zeljko Romic? Do you work for Dalmatian?
Anon @ 8.18pm .... are you any relation to the Captain of the Titanic ?
DeleteDusan - the 'ethic standard' - where have you been man - we miss your killer insights and poetic writing skills ... FYI, I've bought some new hair gel and it's awesome - works like a treat
ReplyDeleteYou made me laugh, i think you were the only one here who understood me and my poetical way of writing ( gel was symbolical speech as you know ) I wont post here any more because of rude people here, i feel ashamed
DeleteI just have 3 questions:
ReplyDelete1) I see on flightradar that YU-ALO has not been active in the past week. Does anyone know what is wrong?
2) Are YU-API and A6-SAB still making trouble for Air Serbia?
3) Are any more A319/320's due to arrive into the JU fleet?
Hope someone can answer these :)
refund received. thanks dalmatian.